
首页 /二级牙科助理扩展功能(GCC)


这个项目是通过一个创新的, 与德国社区学院签订合作协议.  德国社区学院提供扩展功能牙科助理的职业研究证书.  该计划包括传统和临床学习方式的结合.  The curriculum is designed to prepare certified dental assistants to serve in a dynamic and growing health profession as valuable members of the Dental Health team in accordance with the Virginia Board of Dentistry.

有关最新信息,请参阅德国社区学院项目网站:  途径:扩展功能牙科辅助, 职业研究证书课程-德国社区学院- Acalog ACMS™.

牙科助理II扩展功能(GCC) -视频



  • 展示对无菌技术的理解和执行.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the purpose and use of dental materials and instruments during general and specialty dental procedures.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the ethical values defined by the American Dental Assistants’ Association and comply with federal and state laws and regulations.
  • 展示有能力进行直接修复.
  • Demonstrate the ability to function as an expanded functions dental assistant as it pertains to indirect dental restorations.



学术顾问将与您一起审阅数学和英语方面的准备工作. You’ll be guided to appropriate preliminary coursework to give you the greatest chance of success in this program.  This program is restricted to students who are certified dental assistants recognized by the Dental Assisting National Board.



工作机会包括在私人牙科诊所与其他牙科保健专业人员一起工作, 医院, 公司, 专科牙科诊所, 志愿牙科活动, 公共卫生环境.




  • 学生必须具备手眼协调能力, 足够的运动功能, 强度, 还有双手和手臂的耐力, as well as utilize digital fine motor skills to deliver patient care for varying lengths of time through the day.
  • 学生 must have the ability to tolerate frequent hand washing and/or use of disinfectants 包括 hand-sanitizing agents. 此外,学生必须能够在指示时戴上防护手套.
  • 学生必须具备在紧急情况下对病人进行单一提供者心肺复苏术的能力.
  • 学生必须具备参加必要的临床前实验的身体能力, 以及临床经验, 还能以必要的力量和灵活性提升和操作设备.
  • 学生 must possess the capacity to participate in administrative duties related to the dental assisting profession.
  • 学生 must have the ability to utilize auditory and sensory perception sufficient to monitor and assess patient needs.
  • 学生 must possess normal or corrected visual acuity in order to assess oral health conditions and perform clinical procedures on patients.
  • 学生 must be able to communicate in person and via electronic devices by effective use of the English language.
  • 学生 must comply with the Code of Ethics and bylaws as defined by the American Dental Assistants’ Association and the statutes and regulations associated with the Commonwealth of Virginia Dental Practice Act.

尽管如此, a qualified person with a disability who can perform these essential functions with reasonable accommodation will be considered for admission along with other qualified applicants.

申请人选择进入牙科助理计划是有选择性和竞争性的.  靠谱的买球网站每年录取五名学生. 



  • 申请德国社区学院和靠谱的买球网站
  • 提供正式的高中,家庭学校或GED记录或成绩单
  • 持有牙科助理全国委员会认可的牙科助理证书.
  • Submit a program application and participate in an advising session with the MECC Dental Assistant Program Coordinator.



  • 学生 may be required to repeat courses or to complete evaluative testing for credits earned more than ten years ago.
  • The Commonwealth of Virginia Board of Dentistry reserves the right to deny licensure to any candidate who has been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude or the use of drugs or alcohol to the extent that such use renders him/her unsafe to practice dental assisting. Any applicant who has been found guilty of a misdemeanor or felony must consult with the Dental Assisting Program Director or Coordinator prior to admission.
  • 培养学生具备卫生专业的高道德标准, 无论是在课堂上还是在临床实践中,学院都要求绝对的学术诚信. 因此, 作弊, 试图欺骗, 剽窃, 说谎, 窃取学术成果,包括保密的测试或相关材料, 提交他人购买或撰写的论文, or failing to report an occurrence of academic dishonesty or any violation of this honor code may subject the student to disciplinary procedures as defined in the GCC and MECC Student Handbooks.
  • 除了大学学费和杂费外,牙科辅助计划的学生还需要支付各种费用. 这些包括, 但不限于, 制服的成本, 配件, 免疫接种, 测试费用, 去做临床任务.
  • 在临床环境中有严格的着装要求. 如果学生不遵守此着装规定,可能会被开除.
  • 学院保留要求学生获取和维护的权利, 自费, 责任/医疗事故和/或健康保险.
  • 学生必须在当地诊所完成学习经验, 私人办公室, 和/或其他社区机构. 学生可能被要求参加白天和/或晚上的临床作业.
  • 学生必须提供自己的交通工具去完成临床任务,并且必须严格出勤.
  • 学生可以利用指定的临床附属机构的资源, 由指定的临床附属机构自行决定, for emergency medical treatment for injuries or illness that may occur during the time period a student is assigned to a healthcare facility. 该学生负责为此治疗产生的任何费用.
  • 学生必须遵守所有临床合同协议, 包括, 但不限于, 免疫接种要求, 药物筛选, 以及犯罪/性背景调查.
  • 学生必须保持当前的BLS医疗保健提供者CPR认证.
  • 同时参加临床课程, 学生不得代替或承担附属设施“合格”工作人员的责任. 然而, 展示熟练程度后, 学生可以在仔细的监督下完成特定的程序. 学生 may be employed in clinical facilities outside regular education hours provided that such work does not interfere with academic responsibilities. 这项工作必须是非强制性的,并受员工规章制度的约束.
  • 学生 are expected to demonstrate professional behavior consistent with standards associated with health care practitioners.



  • Each course in the program major must be completed with a grade of “C”or better before taking the next course in the sequence and to satisfy graduation requirements, 除非部门主任根据项目主任的建议放弃.
  • 所有专业的课程必须按照GCC目录中规定的顺序进行, 除非项目主管另行批准.
  • To pass a course students must successfully complete both the didactic (classroom) and the clinical/lab requirements.
  • 项目教师和临床附属机构保留推荐的权利, 通过适当的渠道, withdrawal of any student who exhibits unsafe performance or non-adherence to prescribed clinical affiliate policies and procedures.
  • 必须保持令人满意的身心健康,才能继续参加该计划. Applicants must be free of any physical and/or mental condition that might adversely affect their acceptance or performances in the program. 学院保留权利要求体检和药物测试,以核实是否继续遵守规定. 学生 with pre-existing physical and/or mental conditions which might adversely affect performance in the program who do not self-disclose this information are subject to dismissal from the program.
  • 学生 with criminal convictions who do not self-disclose this information are subject to dismissal from the program.
  • Any student who has voluntarily withdrawn or who has been withdrawn due to unsatisfactory academic or clinical performance may apply for re-admission the following academic year. Any student who has voluntarily withdrawn or who has been withdrawn due to ethical violations or criminal actions may not reapply to the program. 是否接受将根据空间的可用性, 成功履行撤离时书面约定的任何突发事件, 和项目主管的批准. 可能需要面谈和体格检查.

